Cassine Station Condominium
Seagrove Beach, Florida

Located on a corner site along a busy beachfront highway, this condominium building projects a contemporary image that invites visitors to its retail shops and welcomes guests and owners to their home. A prominent stair tower has been pulled away and rotated to address the geometry of the street. At the top of the stairs is a martini deck, providing a space for the homeowners and guests to gather under the trellis to enjoy the spectacular sunsets.
A colonnade runs the length of the building along the east façade, topped by a trellis that echoes the martini deck. This serves to frame the public space of the access road that runs along the side of the building and also creates a double-height balcony space for the penthouse tenants. The mass of the building is broken up both vertically and horizontally with open slat boards and trellis elements, which allow the breezes from the Gulf to cool the spaces.